Boundaries Made Beautiful:

Transforming Stress into Work- Life Balance Success!

Are you tired of feeling like you're constantly juggling work deadlines and family obligations, all while trying to keep guilt at bay? Well, worry no more! This FREE Video Masterclass offers you quick relief to help you kick guilt to the curb and embrace the joys of work and home.

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    Jecara Rivera

    Speaker, Author, Coach

    Who am I?

    Jecara Rivera is speaker, coach and author, who excels at energizing others to unleash their unstoppable success! Through her teaching philosophy of "The Leadership Trifecta," individuals are empowered to take a leadership role in the areas of Self, Home and Work which creates a sustainable work life balance so that success overflows in all areas of life.

    What will you learn?

    • Learn to effectively create clear boundaries and stick to them
    • Implement time management tips to optimize your priorities
    • Understand how serve from your overflow